Taken from http://triggur.org/robodump/
The Debut of RoboDump 1.0
By Kevin Kelm (kkelm@triggur.org)
Friday, Nov 12, 2004
RoboDump is a robot. Sort of. And it poops. Sort of. Forever. A horrible, never-ending bowel movement complete with straining grunts, horrific gas, splashes, and pee sounds.
Here’s the soundtrack(lo bandwidth, mono– you people were crushing my quota. Hi version available on email request. :). The left channel speaker points up into the room (for the voice effects) and the right channel speaker points down into the toilet (for the business-end effects).
I snuck RoboDump into the men’s room at the office. Unfortunately, today turned out to be the day of a board meeting. Whoops! It still went over well; the office was abuzz all morning with gossip about the guy in the bathroom. Several people theorized it was the CFO. The janitor commented to someone in the hallway that he wanted to clean the restroom but “this guy’s been in there all morning.”
I also decided to dress it in businessware to make coworkers less likely to try to talk to it… if it looks like a customer or visiting bigwig, they’ll be less likely to offer help or ask for a courtesy flush.
RoboDump in action:
youre insane
5:45 am
it’s why we get along so well 🙂
2:19 pm
people have way too much time on their hands…
6:28 pm