Sorry for all the posts lately 🙂 I will go days with out posting then I’ll either find a bunch of funny stuff to post or have a lot on my mind.
Anyway, here is the draft of my cover for the new book. I will be sending to the printer next month so I’d love feedback, good/bad/questions/suggestions whatever. Thanks.
I like it! And I can’t wait to read it!
But here, learn some:
How do I use an lj-cut? What are the other LiveJournal specific tags?
There are 4 LiveJournal-specific markup tags, as listed and explained below. Note that the tags and URL forms will only work within journal entries, comments, and the Bio section of the User Info page.
This can be used in a journal entry to hide part, or all, of an entry. When the entry appears in your journal or on someone’s Friends page, everything after an tag and before a closing tag will be replaced by a link to the Read Comments page. The Read Comments page always displays the entire entry as well as any comments made on it. When the is closed with , any text placed after the closing tag will also display on the journal, instead of just on the Read Comments page.
By default, the link will say “Read more…”, but if you want it to say something else like “Cut off here”, you can write the tag as
People dislike it when you post large images in your journal and don’t hide it behind a lj-cut.
11:07 pm
I’ve been posting a bunch at http://www.ryptide.com lately too. Guess I’ve just been in a talkative mood or something. I’m up to two updates today, with a third on the way. Other times, I’ll go days and sometimes weeks without posting anything.
1:39 am
I’ve been meaning to set something like this up on ryptide.com as well, to cut down on the huge updates you have to scroll through
1:40 am
yeah but it seems like a waste, all it is is a hyperlink/anchor basically. I mean if I didn’t want the entire thing shown in the post, then I would have just put a link to it anyway 🙂
2:37 am