well yesterday I went in for that BIG job interview. I got wind today they may have been fakin the funk..well not really ,it is more a combo of them not being able to afford me and the catch 22 of government contracting.
I am going on 12 years exp in the IT work, as of April. So they assumed I had a college degree..well they were wrong. Though I have been working slowly but surely on it since 96,lol. In the computer world I have never had to worry about not having a degree since they payed me for my ‘skillz’. So that cause a minor snafu when they were trying to figure out what to offer and noticed my degree said “in progress” on my resume,lol. I think they are going offer about 10k more then I make now instead of the initial 20k, but it’s not worth it. After taxes its only like 8k a year then throw in a completly different work environment (I work at a reasearch facility,so there is tons of free exchange of info to learn about