So I made a random observation today. I was looking at the top 5 shows I Tivo and notice ALL of them are cartoons.
1. Futurama
2. Simpsons
3. Aqua Teen Hunger Force
4. Family Guy
5. South park
No point to this post just a random observation I found interesting, apparently according to my tivo viewing habits, reality does not amuse me anymore,lol.
tv is such bullshit anyway, the only things of value on it are clever satirical cartoons designed for amusement purposes only. Fuck drama, there’s enough of it in real life. arent you glad you can say that your life is more exciting than anything that happens on a sitcom?
9:13 am
My Tivo records Simpson, ATHF, Family Guy and Sealab 2021. And it often times records Dexters Laboratory as a suggestion. 😀
9:20 am
You fuckers are going to force me to buy Tivo.
9:26 am
No, Tivo is going to force you to get Tivo. We are but mindless drones, Tivo is the queen.
9:30 am
I will be assimilated.
9:32 am
Interesting… two of the four shows I record on my DVR are on that list (Family Guy would be my fifth, but I have all the episodes on DVD)…
ATHF & South Park..
otherwise I rrecord Alias and the “We Love The 80s” video blocks on VH1 Classics 🙂
10:16 am
mmm, sounds like someone loves adult swim ^_^
and don’t worry, i get sucked into the futurama/family guy/auqa teen hunger force every monday-thursday nights… 🙂
1:44 am
My TiVo is perpetually loaded with:
Family Guy
South Park
Beyond that (and Chapelle’s Show), most of the stuff on my TiVo is news. Hardball, Hannity & Colmes, O’Reilly, Crossfire, Miller, Daily Show … you know it’s an election year when.
5:10 am