Title: Arrivals (2006)
Description: Arrivals was created as part of the 2006 48 Hour Film Project. Arrivals made the top 10 in the Austin citywide division.
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Title: Rose Mary’s Puppy (2004)
Produced by: Deadly Gnome Productions
Role: Creator
Description: Short faux trailer playing with movie effects.
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Title: Huck (1995)
Role: Creator
Description: A short film I made in high school. Filmed in one take at 2am the night before the project was due You can blame the quality on the “state of the art” VHS-C camcorder it was recorded on. I present to you Huck Finn as performed by an all bear cast.
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Title: Extra Ordinary Guy (2006)
Produced by: Gateway Videos
Role: Actor – Extra Ordinary Guy
Description: An ordinary guy, discovers he has new “super powers”.
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Title: Fun with Mentos and Diet Coke (2007)
Description: Everyone knows mentos + diet coke = good times. We took a break from making 4th of July Mentos-DietCoke “fireworks” to see what would happen if I put 3 Mentos in my mouth and poured in diet coke.
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