Author Archives: Kevin Blanchard

Dating, relationships, and the attack of spring fever

These seem to be the hot topics recently. So many of my friends (in Texas and the DC area) seem to be buzzing about the above topics. So I thought I’d at least combine some of the thoughts of many of the posts (since many of you aren’t friends with each other) then also add […]

Apple releases Windows Dual Boot software

Google’s April Fools

Saturday was a big news day on the Web — if you appreciate the art of a well-crafted April Fool’s joke. And from all the made-up things seen on Saturday, oh so many of us do. Those goofballs at Google planted a treat for users of its Google Earth software. Search for “Area 51,” zoom […]

Lake Peigneur: The Swirling Vortex of Doom

In 1980,a Louisiana Lake experiences a freak Drilling Accident resulting in a Hole that caused a tremendous Whirlpool…The sucking force was so strong that it reversed the flow of a 12-mile-long canal which led out to the Gulf of Mexico, and dragged 11 barges from that canal into the swirling vortex…. Definetely a cool read. […]

For the music lovers!

My new favorite site!

“True Love is but a +2 Broadsword away.”

Fear of Girls

LOL! One drink limit

“…please note that because of recent changes to your insurance policy you are limited to only one alcoholic beverage a day”

since they shut me down on myspace……

Whether your a fanboy(or girl) or a hater, this is a very interesting read. Ten Reasons Your Next PC Will Be From Apple

wow! what a game.

Rose Bowl

Today’s Rose Bowl game, sponsored by the word “fumble”.

You’re my boy, Blue!

RIP Click picture for full story

Resolutions:Conspiracy or path to a better future?

I have not written an editorial style entry in a while. Though I was prompted to write this one after hearing a similar attitude from several of my friends in regards to New Years and making resolutions. “I don’t need a special day to make changes in my life”. Now, I am not debating the […]


Happy Birthday

OMG, very funny! :)

SNL: Lazy Sunday


UT:62 Baylor:0 FINAL SCORE Can you even call that a football game?

Geek Post Warning: STAR WARS

Both Star Wars related. For the die hard fan a GREAT read. A piece called The Sith Explained . Someone actually pieced together all the information from the books, the movies, and the comics to put together a history and explain many things about the Sith. Covers the start of the Sith culture thousands of […]

When good technology goes bad

*The New Apple IPOD

An Oldie But A Goodie

A cure for a case of the Mondays

I bet everyone could use one of these at work. From Taylor Hokanson’s Sledgehammer-operated keyboard project [x-posted to my blog]


It took me a sec to figure out what his hands were doing…. but This is blasphemous hilarious!

1993 News Broadcast explaining this new thing called “internet”

Pretty interesting. A video of a 1993 broadcast about this new thing called “internet”.

“The truth is out there”

Go directly to jail, do not collect $200.

Man charged with stealing Wi-Fi signal

Introducing the IPOD flea

lol! Introducing the IPOD Flea

How the Starbucks Siren Became less Naughty

An interesting piece about the progression of the Starbuck’s logo and how it came to be. Click Image To Read Article