I have one one word for this movie — ” WOW” One of the most suspenseful horror / supernatural movie I have seen since ‘The Ring’ I HIGHLY recommend going to see it in the theatre for the full effect. My heart was racing even 10 mins after I left the theatre and I kept […]
woo hoo, it’s Friday! Haven’t updated in a few days,mainly because nothing note-worthy has happened to me. This weekend I am wrapping up the end of the quarter, and finals will be finally over. I am taking next quarter off to handle the things going on at home, unless Nova is offering any CAD classes, […]
It totally made my day, when my friend was ranting about “passion” and starts by saying ..”remember that simpsons episode where homer helps mel gibson remake “mr smith goes to washington”…
you know work is slow when you not only read all of the LF posts and commented on them but then start reading posts on the friends list of people on your friends list,lol
[borrowed from vamps LJ] This is why you should be careful when choosing your web site urls The folling url is for an Italian company named Powergen http://www.powergenitalia.com/
how is it that i have like 500-600 channels on digital cable, and the only thing I could find to watch is mortal kombat?
well yesterday I went in for that BIG job interview. I got wind today they may have been fakin the funk..well not really ,it is more a combo of them not being able to afford me and the catch 22 of government contracting. I am going on 12 years exp in the IT work, as […]
For the people who don’t already know and what makes this so funny is that I do work for Nykon Systems, BUT here’s the kicker. I own the company,lol and the servers sit about 10 feet away from me right now as I post this in LJ. So either it is an attempt to give […]
listen to a radio announcer break up as he attempts to read the faux newspaper article quoted above as a straight news story note: sound needed
He now knows what it’s like to live in Jersey
Well after writing and researching for my book I came across this and figured it appropriate. What do you think, should this be my new friendster profile? lol “What Would Your Serial Killer Name Be? What Would the Public Know You As?” – Results: Who are you? No one would even know your name orwho […]
Buttercups Toward the end of the golf course, Harry somehow managed to hit his ball into the woods finding it in a patch of pretty yellow buttercups. Trying to get his ball back in play, he ended up thrashing just about every buttercup in the patch. All of a sudden, POOF!, in a flash and […]
So I have been socially challenged in the last year and need some fun. I have a free schedule this weekend, anyone know of anything going on? want to come kidnap me for drunken shenanigans? Why you should: 1> I’m smarter then the average bear 2> i’m fun 3> I’m witty (well okay maybe not) […]
I had the wierdest thing happen to me. I went downstairs to get a candy bar out of the snack machine I put a dollar in Selected the bar The candy bar fell into the tray AND THEN… the display beeped and displayed the text ‘WINNER’ and my dollar bill popped back out
In an act reminiscent of 1960 anti-civil rights acts, and bordering on early 1940s Germany. Bush announced he wishes not only to ban gay marriage but make gay marriages unconstitutional. In the year 2004 you would think that people in general would not sit around and let this blatant abuse of power even get this […]
Just f’ing twisted stuff 🙂 Takes a little bit to load but well worth it for a sick friday grin. http://forums.fark.com/cgi/fark/comments.pl?IDLink=835005
This is so stupid, but true… And it’s going to drive you crazy, especially if you’re under the illusion that you’re in control! While sitting at your desk, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles. Easy enough? Okay now, while doing this, draw the number “6” in the air with your […]
Okay guys, the new trailer isn’t going live till the end of the week. I may make small changes to it ,but [pretty damn close] to finished product is available online to view. So I am letting my LJ buddys get first look at it. For info on the book check out: www.connectionterminated.com Check out […]
want to meet other with similar hobbies in your area? just came across this site… whether you are looking for others into cars, computer or just good old fashioned midget orgys check out this site… meetup.com
My friends computer at work got one of the new email worms going around. I was trying to explain to him why using Windows and Outlook was such a bad thing. This was my not-so-technical explanation of why,lol “MS Outlook is basically like the sorority girl at the party after 4 hrs of drinking going […]
to my brothers and sisters in the IT field..but anyone who wishes to answer:) I have a dilema in front of me, and need a voice of reason,lol Q: Which do you think is better? a average paced job in an environment you like, or making $15k more a yr, in a place that wouldnt […]
Wow, you really can buy anything on ebay. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3077991790&category=1503 from site: Remember the Tommy TuTone Mega Hit, “Jenny/867-5309”? YOU CAN HAVE 212-867-5309 AS YOUR TELEPHONE NUMBER. GET THE GREATEST NUMBER IN THE GREATEST CITY. **For business or personal use— have a truly distinctive phone number. **I currently am the owner of 212-867-5309. I will transfer […]