I got this in a online horoscope today. I think this quote really describes my personality and how I tackle life’s challenges in general. “Bad luck is subjective. Forget about the odds and look at the real evidence. For every reason to mourn, there are many more to celebrate.”
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” -Albert Einstein
WARNING: GEEK related news coming… “Germany’s local and city councils have been pioneering the migration from Windows to Linux. Now, one of the IT staff behind one move has revealed how they persuaded workers to accept the changes. Stuffed toy penguins and Linux t-shirts helped to create an open-source love-in at the council offices, and […]
Just came across this site today, pretty handy http://www.soople.com
I just found out… my name as an anagram is ” BALD RAVEN CHINK” note: my real name, not my dj name 😉
Are you Addicted to the Internet? 81% L33T H@x0r (81% – 100%)You live and breathe the Internet. You rarely leave your computer(s) for fear of going through withdrawl. You are beginning to say “lol” and “brb” in verbal conversations and you haven’t seen your friends face-to-face in months if you don’t count their web cams. […]
We all know that it is a sin for a Taliban male to see any woman other than his wife naked, and that he must commit suicide if he does. So this Saturday at 4:00 PM Eastern time all American women are asked to walk out of their house completely naked to help weed out […]
Ive made it all these yrs never watching one episode of survivor…. so what do i do…. I watched all of survivor all-stars after the superbowl…. and now Im hooked…. I already set my season pass in Tivo…. damn you! 🙂 lol
Sorry for all the posts lately 🙂 I will go days with out posting then I’ll either find a bunch of funny stuff to post or have a lot on my mind. Anyway, here is the draft of my cover for the new book. I will be sending to the printer next month so I’d […]
Someone with way more free time and much geekier then i could ever dream to be did this to their car. Now that he has discovered the force, maybe someday he’ll discover a room other then his parents basement, and that the evil sith empire is not what is keeping him from having a girlfriend. […]
I love good news on friday, it’s like a double wamy of good news, you know like getting your cake and eating too, or having sex and getting paid it for it too,hehe But I talked to my publisher last night, and they have a “star” program for their authors. Basically once I sell more […]
Finally got the basic website up for my new book I’m writing. I will have a kick butt splash trailor up in a month or so ,but this will do for now,lol Anyone interested check it out. http://www.connectionterminated.com It should be to my published by end of Febuary and ready on Amazon about 6 weeks […]
I cam across this gem last night. He’s no Beethoven but brought back memories.
Yeah, yeah,so I have been slackin during the holiday season, well this link should make up for it 🙂 Enjoy!
Are you jewish? Ever say to yourself this time of year, “I have to light how many candles on my menorah?” Don’t be a sucker anymore, let your computer do all the work for you, so it leaves more time for opening your great Hannukah gifts, you know like socks and books. Anyway this site […]
Take the red pill and find out the truth…. Like cartoons? Like the matrix? Like political messages crammed down your throat? Then this 2 minute matrix spoof about meat is sure to please you. or if you are like me and only like the first two choices, ignore the political statement and sit back and […]
A quiet snowy evening. A hill side. Children running back and forth playing with visions of sugar plums dancing in their head, and then YOU come along. You have to check this link out! Holiday Snowglobe. From The Steaming Divot to you , happy holidays! “proud member of Santa’s naughty list since 1977”
A friend of mine sent me this picture in an email. Throw away your “men are from mars, girls are from venus” Books, turn off Oprah, I think this is the single best representation why men and women have so many problems understanding each other.
What’s worse then being dragged to a performance where the headliner is a midget duo comedy team? Showing up and finding out they have been replaced with a lesser known local midget comedy duo… so of course we know what happens next a riot????
Apparently, being cool isn’t cool anymore.. remember back when owning a members only jacket put you in the in crowd for at least a whole month? Or seeing how many marching band kids could fit into a locker? According to this article titled “We Are All Nerds now”, claims that with the popularity of sci […]
According to all the major news sources I’ve read (translation: the news papers at the check out stand at the grocery store), the MJ is finally going down (no pun intended),well okay maybe a little pun 😉 You know it’s bad when members of NAMBLA are calling you a weirdo. (If you don’t know what […]
Was it good for you? I finally broke down, after everyone and their mom decided that blogs were cool, I decided “Hey, my opinions and complaints are no less important then Joe “blogger” Smith who feels the need to share every thought, emotion, what they are listening too and the picture of their dog or […]