I had the wierdest thing happen to me.
I went downstairs to get a candy bar out of the snack machine
I put a dollar in
Selected the bar
The candy bar fell into the tray
the display beeped and displayed the text ‘WINNER’
and my dollar bill popped back out
I went to get candy and the machine ate my dollar. No display, but if there was one, I guess it would say “Loser”…
*steals your candy*
7:50 am
Eh? That’s kinda weird. Cool… but weird.
8:39 am
neat!! We need more machines like that, that randomly give you free candy 😀
2:21 am
Hey that’s awesome.
We have a coke machine kind of like that at work. Except it would always cost $.65 to get a coke, but periodically it would unexplicably dispense multiple cokes. The most I ever saw was three. The display only ever displays gibberish. And it takes rediciously long to get your change back from a dollar, like it has to really think to do the math. I surmized that maybe it was a reward/rebate center for those with good karma. Where you would kind of cash some in for a free coke.
They somehow fixed (stoped) it though.
5:44 am