Category Archives: website

forget the better mouse trap, this mows my lawn


This is random yet profound, so let’s just say it’s a profandom moment — For years I had seen references about the man who was alone, and loved books. Then when he finally was alone and had a chance to read he breaks his glasses. Well it finally “clicked” as I did not know the […]

Looking for a few good eyes

If you or anyone you know would be interested in this let me know. I am taking an idea I have and whipping it into a screen play this weekend to enter in a contest this month. I am looking for feedback, either from you grammar nazi’s or just you creative types about the overall […]

best quote I’ve seen in a while

I got this from a friend’s LJ. I will not say who, it is not important, but someone i respect and who thinks a lot like me,so probably why I admire the quote. Definitely summarizes in words, what I have thought for years about friendships I have decided to keep , and friendships I left […]

It’s fate

Last time I went to Austin, TX I noticed this on the NAV system in the car but thought I’d share it with you. Not too far away from Lake Travis in Austin (which you’ll see in the top left hand corner of the map, and also where I’d like to build my retirenment home) […]

website update

The New and Improved – Kevin Blanchard . Com(C) is well on the way and should be up soon. * (pending homework) Feel free to check out the trailer to my upcoming novel if you have not seen it yet. Kevin Blanchard . Com

Because everyone else is doing it…


Yet another “crazy” Friday night sponsored by… The Kingdom of Loathing An Adventurer is You! Stay tuned for tomorrow’s crazy night….. H O M E W O R K


What a nasty day outside. I am working from home today and the grey in the sky is sucking the energy right out of me. I am sure it is nothing a case of Redbull wouldn’t fix. Though I have a love hate relationship with Redbull. If I have one I swear I want like […]


This pretty much says it all: “Democracy is a sheep and two wolves deciding what to have for lunch. Freedom is a well armed sheep contesting the issue”


There was this teenage girl who was babysitting for a family and the parents told her that they wouldn’t be home until a few hours after the kids bedtime so once they were in bed she could go up to the their room and watch tv. So once the kids are in bed she goes […]

HA! I knew it

kevinblanchard’s LJ stalker is jayfenster! jayfenster is stalking you because they think you are the one who made anonymous abusive LJ comments. They are also leaving anonymous abuse on your journal! LiveJournal Username: LJ Stalker FinderFrom


Today’s Friday night adventure sponsored by Kingdom Of Loathing

Damn the man and his clever trickery

View from my window

As I work from home I look out my office window to the apartment across the street to THIS Any thought’s? this might be a fun game? 🙂

Dinosaur sighting in New Zealand

Pink dinosaur grabs centre stage on remote New Zealand volcano AUCKLAND : Scientists using a camera to monitor a remote New Zealand volcano over the Internet have struck an odd problem – a pink dinosaur. New Zealand’s Geological and Nuclear Sciences (GNS) have installed a digital camera in the crater of the volcano which makes […]

uh oh, time to call *EDIT* … and no I was not the one who hacked the site


Bring Out Your Dead

So the next 6 weeks will be pretty hellish so you may not “see” me online or here from me as much. * classes 4 nights a week * up by 7am every day, meetings at 9am this week but quite often this month, class till 9pm 2 nights and 10:15 the other 2 * […]

“A lot of people go to college for seven years, ‘I know’, They’re called doctors.”

I really need to stick with a major and finish,lol I mean I technically I am not under any time crunch considering my current position in my company but since I still have a masters and a PHD to get out of the way i’d like to be done with it all and know what […]


a bit of a fender bender to say the least…

fucking hilarious!!!

The Google Terrrorist It was the lead item on the government’s daily threat matrix one day last April. Don Emilio Fulci described by an FBI tipster as a reclusive but evil millionaire, had formed a terrorist group that was planning chemical attacks against London and Washington, D.C. That day even FBI director Robert Mueller was […]


I wish I knew a way….

I really wish I knew of a way to move out of DC…well out of the US actually. I have been playing with the idea of moving for 6-12 months and at least from what I know, I’d love to live somewhere like Tokyo or somewhere in that vicinity. *sigh* I’ve been teaching myself Japanese […]


This is a clip from an article on the soon to be here Cicadas: “These large, ungainly insects in the genus Magicicada spend either 13 or 17 years underground, then emerge nearly simultaneously in densities that can exceed 1 million per acre.” 1 million per acre……. *EDIT* ok the pic should be fixed, they apparently […]