Damn you survivor all stars :(

Ive made it all these yrs never watching one episode of survivor….

so what do i do….

I watched all of survivor all-stars after the superbowl….

and now Im hooked….

I already set my season pass in Tivo….

damn you! 🙂


  1. I did the very same, although I did catch last season after not having watched any since season 2. Last night’s episode was intriguing. Self-referential in the way the previous seasons should have been My own thoughts here.


    10:12 pm

  2. I missed season one, and watched season 2 voraciously. After that I wasn’t as into survivor, so i missed several episodes, and the most recent season I missed almost entirely.

    The All-Stars season will be fucking kitchen. I also noticed that the island they filmed on is shaped like a star. Nice touch.

    Did they say what the prize would be? Since this is the *ultimate* survivor, I guess it’s probably more than the usual prize.


    7:59 am

  3. YAY someone new to discuss Survivor with!

    I have been hooked on it forever, but figured I was the only one left on earth who still watches it. I didn’t watch the first season, because thats when I lived in Triangle with no tv, but ever since then I have watched every season religiously.

    Tivo rocks. I love mine so much.


    10:08 am

  4. aaaaaaaaa you said the forbidden “t” word ,lol


    3:41 pm