fucking hilarious!!!

The Google Terrrorist

It was the lead item on the government’s daily threat matrix one day last April. Don Emilio Fulci described by an FBI tipster as a reclusive but evil millionaire, had formed a terrorist group that was planning chemical attacks against London and Washington, D.C. That day even FBI director Robert Mueller was briefed on the Fulci matter. But as the day went on without incident, a White House staffer had a brainstorm: He Googled Fulci. His findings: Fulci is the crime boss in the popular video game Headhunter. “Stand down,” came the order from embarrassed national security types

From http://www.usnews.com/usnews/issue/040517/whispers/17whisplead_2.htm

1 Comment

  1. I’m glad that my tax dollars are wasted on this shit! Reminds me of the time that the FBI found a website called The Bad Muthafuckin’ Gangsters Rap Website or something. It contained all kinds of info on how allegedly to be a gang-banger and how to commit crimes. The FBI tracked this gangster rap gang all right. The web designers turned out to be a group of 14 year old white boys from the wealthy Detroit suburb of Grosse Pointe. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahah!


    1:12 pm