I need a vacation
This snip from an IM conversation I had should show how the overwhelming amount of stress and lack of sleep is catching up to me, and keep in mind while reading this I am usually very good with money.
M1TREMOUSE (3:47:46 PM): man I know all this stress is getting to me
M1TREMOUSE (3:47:53 PM): I decided to finally balance my check book
M1TREMOUSE (3:48:29 PM): after writing a huge stack of bills I had a mental understanding that I was about even or would have to put like $100 in the bank to keep from bouncing one of the bills…..
M1TREMOUSE (3:48:50 PM): turns out, after all is said and done I still had $600 left over,lol
Always a good thing when you discover leftover money. Been a while for me though…
You should just send the extra my way. 😛
9:47 am
Yeah, I need a new ride, so if you have any money left over I could use some as well…
Great icon BTW…
12:02 pm
yeah, you think that now, and then find out there’s something you forgot to pay 😀
12:30 pm