Job related question.
to my brothers and sisters in the IT field..but anyone who wishes to answer:) I have a dilema in front of me, and need a voice of reason,lol
Q: Which do you think is better? a average paced job in an environment you like, or making $15k more a yr, in a place that wouldnt be bad just not as ideal and you’d be working your butt off?
I perfer to work in a face paced environment, otherwise my days drag by. And if you make more for keeping busy, then so be it. $15k more is a big difference… I’d jump all over it.
9:22 am
Hate to say it depends, but… well, it does. I’m making plenty to support myself and my hobbies, so I wouldn’t get my ass spanked every day for more money. But if your expenses are higher, you provide for someone else as well, or your hobby is collecting Lear jets, that extra money may be worth it. I worked in a very stressful environment for 3 years and really didn’t like it. It really wore on me, and it became difficult to go to work. That had a lot to do with oncall and extra-hours work due to incompetence elsewhere, though.
9:44 am
being happy and not making as much money is worth more than being unhappy and making more money.
xoxo kari
10:13 am
yes, I think thats the conclution I came to 🙂
I love where I work, and its not slow, plus there are lots of oppurtunities in my company (ie robotics, AI, nanotech) that I could net get at most of the companies here.
11:53 am
see, my day doent drag, and working at a think take a get to do a lot of cool prototype stuff for the government, and 15k isn’t much of a raise at my tax bracket, esp not ebough i think to commute to dc everyday,lol
11:54 am
Werd. Go with your heart/gut on this one. If you’re happy where you are, then stay 🙂 Good luck.
9:47 pm