Looking for a few good eyes

If you or anyone you know would be interested in this let me know. I am taking an idea I have and whipping it into a screen play this weekend to enter in a contest this month. I am looking for feedback, either from you grammar nazi’s or just you creative types about the overall story. Criticism is welcome as I will be writing it in a weekend I am not expecting this to become and academy award winner, but I thought it’d be fun to enter the contest and the deadline is the 30th, hell Rocky was written in 2 hours I have faith 🙂 Anyway I am going to try to get it into a completed draft format this weekend, and will try to get it out to people as soon as I am done. It will be 90+ pages, so if you have the time I need a fast turn around as i will be submitting it Mon. or Tues. night.


  1. I’ll take a look at it…

    Just remember that I’ve a tendancy to be blunt with my opinions, no matter what my relation to the person who created it 🙂


    11:14 am

  2. that’s fine, keep in mind I am writing it in a weekend, though i already have the concept and characters done, just nothing formally written. Plus feedback is feedback. Candy coating won’t improve anything but my ego,lol, blunt is fine.


    12:15 pm