luckily it’s not as bad as it sounds, read on.
Your Email Up for Grabs?
By Seth Jayson
July 8, 2004
This is the kind of thing that can turn a member of the media against his own kind. The day after scores of news organizations crowed about a misperceived threat to Apple’s (Nasdaq: AAPL) iPod — which I’ve ranted about elsewhere on the Fool — there’s been a mere whisper about a recent court decision that could have a much greater impact on the average American.
A federal appeals court recently made a ruling that allows just about anyone to read your email at any time, for any reason, without fear of lawsuit or prosecution. The case is a bit complex, so bear with me.
In the late 1990s, a small bookseller in Boston offered email accounts to some customers. But there was a hidden catch. Store employees were snooping in messages between those individuals and Amazon.com (Nasdaq: AMZN) in order to try to glean some kind of competitive advantage. Sound illegal to you? It would be, if wiretap law applied. But according to the appeals court, wiretap law is irrelevant.
By the court’s reasoning, the filched email was “stored communication,” which can be legally browsed by companies. Of course, we all know, email doesn’t just zoom from one place to another without a trace. Instead, the text is transmitted through a variety of momentary resting places, until it finally ends up on your mail server. In other words, it’s always “stored communication.” By similar logic, it should be legal to open up a letter so long as the carrier isn’t jogging with her mailbag. If email providers, and the government, can follow the letter of this ruling, say goodbye to email privacy altogether.
Of course, most email providers like Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT), Yahoo! (NYSE: YHOO), and Time Warner’s (NYSE: TWX) AOL have privacy policies in place. Even Google, with its somewhat creepy scan-and-market system, promises that no real, live person will look at your innermost thoughts. That’s not much solace if the law permits wholesale snooping.
It’s not that I don’t trust these folks. But I don’t trust these folks. Corporations are in the business of making money, and if they can do that by prying into your inbox, you can bet they will. As an investor, I’d say “do what it takes to make the bucks.” But as a person, I’m even more convinced that anything sent via email should be considered about as confidential as a scream in church.
original article: http://netscape.fool.com/Server/FoolPrint.asp?File=/news/mft/2004/mft04070847.htm
My Best Friend is |
Our 3 common interests are: creative writing, drum and bass, punk |
Who is your best friend? |
Created by |
kevinblanchard and falling_foward share 3 interests.
kevinblanchard and dezklr share 2 interests.
kevinblanchard and anjerona share 2 interests.
kevinblanchard and mscheesecake share 1 interest.
kevinblanchard and kelfay share 1 interest.
kevinblanchard and joeanon share 1 interest.
kevinblanchard and igotmadsoul share 1 interest.
kevinblanchard and chillywill8e share 1 interest.
kevinblanchard and arcadiyastorm share 1 interest.
kevinblanchard and ydn4m share 0 interests.
kevinblanchard and vampyrex13 share 0 interests.
kevinblanchard and val825 share 0 interests.
kevinblanchard and talldean share 0 interests.
kevinblanchard and switchstance share 0 interests.
kevinblanchard and surface10shun share 0 interests.
kevinblanchard and spiggums share 0 interests.
kevinblanchard and shogunmouse share 0 interests.
kevinblanchard and samz share 0 interests.
kevinblanchard and ryptide share 0 interests.
kevinblanchard and meowremix3804 share 0 interests.
kevinblanchard and mayanaise share 0 interests.
kevinblanchard and maryanarchy share 0 interests.
kevinblanchard and line21 share 0 interests.
kevinblanchard and lildaemon share 0 interests.
kevinblanchard and kit_ket share 0 interests.
kevinblanchard and karimonica share 0 interests.
kevinblanchard and jayfenster share 0 interests.
kevinblanchard and jachilli share 0 interests.
kevinblanchard and hottielawgirl share 0 interests.
kevinblanchard and fairybelle share 0 interests.
kevinblanchard and ennius share 0 interests.
kevinblanchard and djdiaspora share 0 interests.
kevinblanchard and dirtynarcosis share 0 interests.
kevinblanchard and daydreambelever share 0 interests.
kevinblanchard and darkymoore share 0 interests.
kevinblanchard and blklotus share 0 interests.
kevinblanchard and bethesdacore share 0 interests.
kevinblanchard and beatphreak9 share 0 interests.
kevinblanchard and astral1nrg share 0 interests.
kevinblanchard and alphachristy share 0 interests.
kevinblanchard and akadonrico share 0 interests.
kevinblanchard and ahiredheart share 0 interests.
So the other day I walk into 7-11 and spot this:
Where do I begin?
Rant 1: Speedo makes swimming products. Now they are selling water? This cross marketing has to stop before it gets out of hand.
I refuse to hang a car air freshener made by Summer’s Eve from my rear view mirror, I don’r care if my car does have that not so fresh feeling.
Rant 2: If you look closely to the top of the label you’ll notice “low carb” . I mean , if that isn’t the Atkins clock indicating 15min 01sec I don’t know what is. I mean are people really that dumb?
“let’s see here, deer park water… 0 calories, 0 grams of fat..hmm nothing about carbs, I’d hate for this water to make me fat” “oh and can you grab 1/4 pound big bites for me, no buns I am on a diet”
*smacks forhead*
this was my horoscope today:
“If looking ahead drives you crazy with impatience, try looking back with satisfaction. You’ve accomplished more in a few days than some people do in a year. The stars will soon reward your continuing eagerness.”
Someone was just saying the same kind of thing to me today about not being so impatient about all the great stuff I am working on, and to take a step back and look at how much i already have accomplished at my age….
Almost done with work, then off to meet Mike (who I haven’t talked to since we graduated high school,
So I decided to put together a little mock movie demo. It’s only a night’s work so i know it isn’t perfect, but enjoy anyway, should be a good friday laugh 🙂 (note, you need quicktime to view the file)
This is random yet profound, so let’s just say it’s a profandom moment — For years I had seen references about the man who was alone, and loved books. Then when he finally was alone and had a chance to read he breaks his glasses. Well it finally “clicked” as I did not know the source of said reference. Sci Fi has been playing Twilight Zone for hours today, the original b&w versions. Anyway they JUST played the episode where the man who never gets to read because his work and wife won’t let him, survives an A bomb and is the only one left. He finds a library and thinks he’s hit the best thing that could ever happen to him, now he can finally do what he has always wanted. He has the rest of time to sit at the library and read books. Just as he go to read his first book, what should happen? His glasses fall off and the glass breaks…. *click* it all makes sense now 🙂
If you or anyone you know would be interested in this let me know. I am taking an idea I have and whipping it into a screen play this weekend to enter in a contest this month. I am looking for feedback, either from you grammar nazi’s or just you creative types about the overall story. Criticism is welcome as I will be writing it in a weekend I am not expecting this to become and academy award winner, but I thought it’d be fun to enter the contest and the deadline is the 30th, hell Rocky was written in 2 hours I have faith 🙂 Anyway I am going to try to get it into a completed draft format this weekend, and will try to get it out to people as soon as I am done. It will be 90+ pages, so if you have the time I need a fast turn around as i will be submitting it Mon. or Tues. night.
I got this from a friend’s LJ. I will not say who, it is not important, but someone i respect and who thinks a lot like me,so probably why I admire the quote. Definitely summarizes in words, what I have thought for years about friendships I have decided to keep , and friendships I left behind because they were holding me back from life.
“I don’t have time to spare for people who don’t live up to their word. I just take out the trash when that happens, and I have no problem trimming the deadwood from my life and never looking back. It’s not hurt, it’s not hate, it’s more of a business decision. Some people are good investments, and you get good returns from being friends with them. Others are bad investments, and they take away from your life and cause stress and worry. The skill is knowing which is which and dealing with them accordingly. My “friend portfolio” is full of good investments, but there’s a couple of bad ones. Those I’ll sell and reinvest that time into new stocks that look promising or add it into the good stocks that I already have. Or I may put it into savings and keep it for myself. The biggest decision maker is looking at stocks long term. If that stock doesn’t perform well over a period of time, dump it. If it only has some bumps but overall does well, keep it.”
Last time I went to Austin, TX I noticed this on the NAV system in the car but thought I’d share it with you. Not too far away from Lake Travis in Austin (which you’ll see in the top left hand corner of the map, and also where I’d like to build my retirenment home) There are 2 roads just miles away from the Lake and each other, Blanchard Dr. and Kevin Ln. This is a screen shot from yahoo maps.
The New and Improved – Kevin Blanchard . Com(C) is well on the way and should be up soon. * (pending homework)
Feel free to check out the trailer to my upcoming novel if you have not seen it yet.
What a nasty day outside. I am working from home today and the grey in the sky is sucking the energy right out of me. I am sure it is nothing a case of Redbull wouldn’t fix. Though I have a love hate relationship with Redbull. If I have one I swear I want like 12 more,lol. Which is bad because 1 can has the amount of caffiene of a cup of coffee. *zoinks* Am I the only one who thinks they chose the “red bull” based off the evil character in the movie the Last Unicorn?
Anyway I had 2 right before my math test at 7pm. By the time midnight rolled around and I was trying to go to bed, my stomache felt about like this:
Anyway have looooong weekend of homework ahead of me. But luckily by the end of the month one of my summer classes will be over so I won’t be worknig all day Then having classes 4 nights a week *note* which I highly DO NOT recommend!
On a closing note, I have been sweating this (The Robosapien) for about a year since I read my first article about it’s development. Though it makes me sad that it is finally out and only $99 and in my current financial situation would not be a wise purchase. But check it out.
The parents later said that for the past week their kids had come into their room in the middle of the night saying that there was a clown starring through the window. but they just thought it was nightmares.
Yes just a myth, but still gave me a chill
kevinblanchard’s LJ stalker is jayfenster! |
jayfenster is stalking you because they think you are the one who made anonymous abusive LJ comments. They are also leaving anonymous abuse on your journal! |
Today’s Friday night adventure sponsored by Kingdom Of Loathing
As I work from home I look out my office window to the apartment across the street to THIS
Any thought’s? this might be a fun game? 🙂
Pink dinosaur grabs centre stage on remote New Zealand volcano
AUCKLAND : Scientists using a camera to monitor a remote New Zealand volcano over the Internet have struck an odd problem – a pink dinosaur.
New Zealand’s Geological and Nuclear Sciences (GNS) have installed a digital camera in the crater of the volcano which makes up most of White Island in the Bay of Plenty, east of Auckland.
The often active volcano draws tourists by boat but most people do not go ashore on the uninhabited, rumbling island.
To keep a close watch, GNS installed a digital camera on the island and post a shot taken every hour on their website.
But suddenly a pink dinosaur has appeared in the shot.
“Some wag has glued a pink dinosaur in front of our digital camera,” GNS’ John Callan said.
“A number of people have been emailing us asking what the dinosaur is all about.”
They are not planning on removing it, counting on the sulphur and high acid environment to deal to the creature. – AFP
… and no I was not the one who hacked the site