Bring Out Your Dead
So the next 6 weeks will be pretty hellish so you may not “see” me online or here from me as much.
* classes 4 nights a week
* up by 7am every day, meetings at 9am this week but quite often this month, class till 9pm 2 nights and 10:15 the other 2
* somehow have to do homework when i get home before the next class and still be up at 7am the next day,lol
I need to step up a bit to get everything done anyway
my smart/dumb ass decided to change from a CS major, to an EE major to a double major (pending dean approval),lol
“A lot of people go to college for seven years, ‘I know’, They’re called doctors.”
I really need to stick with a major and finish,lol
I mean I technically I am not under any time crunch considering my current position in my company but since I still have a masters and a PHD to get out of the way i’d like to be done with it all and know what it is like to Just work and not have school 🙂
I WAS a computer science major then switched to electrical engineering.. I had played with the idea of computer engineering, am currently a electrical engineering major minoring in computer science, but I think before it is all done it’ll turn into a double major. Of course going to night school this = time++ (translation for the non-geeks: more time). I am hoping to get into the masters/phd program at cmu for robotic engineering, but it is HIGHLY competitive. My fall back will be a masters in computer science (with focus in artificial intelligence) and then the phd will be in robotic engineering.
Any thoughts?
Oh yeah and did I mention I also work full time, do volunteer work at the local HS, and am learning japanese in my “free time” ? lol
a bit of a fender bender to say the least…
fucking hilarious!!!
The Google Terrrorist
It was the lead item on the government’s daily threat matrix one day last April. Don Emilio Fulci described by an FBI tipster as a reclusive but evil millionaire, had formed a terrorist group that was planning chemical attacks against London and Washington, D.C. That day even FBI director Robert Mueller was briefed on the Fulci matter. But as the day went on without incident, a White House staffer had a brainstorm: He Googled Fulci. His findings: Fulci is the crime boss in the popular video game Headhunter. “Stand down,” came the order from embarrassed national security types
I wish I knew a way….
I really wish I knew of a way to move out of DC…well out of the US actually. I have been playing with the idea of moving for 6-12 months and at least from what I know, I’d love to live somewhere like Tokyo or somewhere in that vicinity. *sigh* I’ve been teaching myself Japanese for the last few months though as I am impressed with the amount of knowledge I have soaked up, i think i still am at about the equiv. to a grade 1 equivalency test in Japan,lol.
Nippon Air – non stop – 14 hrs – $1050
road trip anyone?
This is a clip from an article on the soon to be here Cicadas:
“These large, ungainly insects in the genus Magicicada spend either 13 or 17 years underground, then emerge nearly simultaneously in densities that can exceed 1 million per acre.”
1 million per acre…….
*EDIT* ok the pic should be fixed, they apparently didn’t like me linking to their site and denied me access,lol
Friday funnies
More old skool goodness 🙂
So I made a random observation today. I was looking at the top 5 shows I Tivo and notice ALL of them are cartoons.
1. Futurama
2. Simpsons
3. Aqua Teen Hunger Force
4. Family Guy
5. South park
No point to this post just a random observation I found interesting, apparently according to my tivo viewing habits, reality does not amuse me anymore,lol.
Please Don’t Let There Be Any Emergencies…
WTF, I knew it was May but it just sank in we are already into the 5th month of the year, almost half way done? Where has the year gone????
Stolen from too many friend’s journals to mention
Post a memory of me in the comments. It can be anything you want. Then post this to your journal and see what people remember of you.
w00t so as of now it is officially my birthday, happy twenty *cough* birthday to me 🙂 w00t
birthday weekend coming to a close
Well I went to Dave and Busters last night. I think between Friday and saturday i have officially hit my alcohol quota for the rest of the year,lol
Luckily I only work 4 days this week, which is good, that’s about how many brain cell survived the weekend, so i’ll save one for each day 😉
Anyway, as I sit here 2 days later completly sore, I realize how much I miss dancing on a regular basis. I had tried to teach myself some basic breakdance and pop/lock type moves and never really got to try them out other then in my bedroom. So i think I may start heading out at least once a month on Friday to work on my moves.
Had a fun time but till be a looooong time till I have a crazy evening like this. Looks like i’ll be taking it easy on my birthday party.
It’s my birthday weekend! 🙂 I’m so happy right now.
Tonight I’ll be making a cameo down at Nation for old school night, becuase what’s more old school then Kevin Nykon? 😉
and then Sat my birthday bash, beer, frineds, video games, what more could you ask for? 🙂
wow, 5 days since I last posted.
Anyway it’s monday but for some reason I am in a great mood.
Looking forward to my birthday weekend coming up at the end of the week 🙂 Hopefully I will be partying with Jill and Kelly Friday and then rounding up heads for my birthday party Sat. YAY
random survey – stolen from jay
1: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, find line 4. Write down what it says:
“An important aspect of the way an organism controls how much protein is present is to regulate the synthesis of the protein (other mechanisms of control include the regulation of degradation and transport).”
2: Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What do you touch first?:
Laser Printer
3: What is the last thing you watched on TV?:
4: WITHOUT LOOKING, guess what the time is:
5: Now look at the clock, what is the actual time?:
6: With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?:
radio, dc 101
7: When did you last step outside? what were you doing?:
Walking into work
8: before you came to this website, what did you look at?:
Company intranet
9: what are you wearing?:
OOoo kinky,oh never mind..hehe I am wearing a navy blue polo shirt, dark jeans, white shoes and a backwards navy blue Triple 5 Soul hat
10: Did you dream last night? I had a dream that the earth was destroyed by zombies, and that I became the president of the survivors in an underground fortress. (think zion from matrix but instead of computers, replace them with the zombies from Dawn of the Dead).
11: When did you last laugh?
This morning. My 2 dogs are always trying to be the “alpha”. Well this morning I walk into the family room to see my 40 pound black lab on the floor chewing on a toy, and the little 13 pound beagle was had her front paws on the labs back air humping trying to show dominance,lol.
12: what is on the walls of the room you are in?:
Nothing, they won’t let us hang up stuff in the office since they just renovated.
13: Seen anything weird lately?: My life is already too surreal to ever seen anything I’d consider weird.
14: What do you think of this quiz?: Better then some I’ve done, but nothing special.
15: What is the last film you saw?:
Scooby Doo 2, saw Dawn of the dead the weekend before that and also the weekend before that.
16: If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy first?:
A lake side house on lake travis in Austin.
17: Tell me something about you that I don’t know:
I was first published at age 14. Windows Uerer magazine did an article on a program I wrote called “Download Buddy”.
18: If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?:
One world government, run as a true democracy, and that each part of the world had the same freedoms and basic things like food,electricity, medicine.
19: Do you like to dance?: yup 🙂
20: George Bush: Theres a place on the sun with his name on it.
21: Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?: Jocelyn
21: Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?: Tre
22: Would you ever consider living abroad?: In a hot second.
so true…
My friends are always harassing me because I have a really high IQ offset by my lack of any common sense,lol ..well I have some ():)
My co-worker just described be to a ‘T’ :
“you are smart enough to be a rocket scientist, but you’d probably lock your self out of the cockpit,leaving the keys in the ignition.”
I need a vacation
This snip from an IM conversation I had should show how the overwhelming amount of stress and lack of sleep is catching up to me, and keep in mind while reading this I am usually very good with money.
M1TREMOUSE (3:47:46 PM): man I know all this stress is getting to me
M1TREMOUSE (3:47:53 PM): I decided to finally balance my check book
M1TREMOUSE (3:48:29 PM): after writing a huge stack of bills I had a mental understanding that I was about even or would have to put like $100 in the bank to keep from bouncing one of the bills…..
M1TREMOUSE (3:48:50 PM): turns out, after all is said and done I still had $600 left over,lol
I am very sad, it’s looking like I may have to get rid of my puppy, she is our second dog, a 7 month old beagal. Cute as a button, but two dogs is getting to be a bit much time wise and money wise. “the wife” has been fighting with me because it’s been overwhelming her while I have been at work. Anyway it’s not an easy choice because I am very attached to both of my dogs, hell i even have pictures of them at work. So I know what the best thing to do ,I just don’t know if I have the heart to do it, it really does break my heart 🙁
This is a pic the first week I brought her home 🙂
Dawn of the Dead Again
so i took my little brother to go see Dawn of the Dead, the move is still just as good the second time 🙂 There were some young kids, proably like 18-20 in front of us, I had to tell them th stay through the credits, half the the theater left before the sequence during the credits starts, a shame, because you think everything is fine if you leave the movie then, I hope everyone who saw it remembered to stay all the way thru to see the actual ending not the “almost ending” with them sailing away in the boat.
Blessed are the cheese makers, did he say cheese makers?
Looks like Monty Python’s ‘Life of Brian’ will be re-released in US theaters next month. The Film’s Distributor, Rainbow Film Company are marketing the film as an alternative to all the hype that Mel Gibson’s film ‘The Passion of the Christ’ has generated.
If you haven’t seen this movie it’s pretty funny 🙂