
So the other day I walk into 7-11 and spot this:

Where do I begin?

Rant 1: Speedo makes swimming products. Now they are selling water? This cross marketing has to stop before it gets out of hand.
I refuse to hang a car air freshener made by Summer’s Eve from my rear view mirror, I don’r care if my car does have that not so fresh feeling.

Rant 2: If you look closely to the top of the label you’ll notice “low carb” . I mean , if that isn’t the Atkins clock indicating 15min 01sec I don’t know what is. I mean are people really that dumb?
“let’s see here, deer park water… 0 calories, 0 grams of fat..hmm nothing about carbs, I’d hate for this water to make me fat” “oh and can you grab 1/4 pound big bites for me, no buns I am on a diet”
*smacks forhead*