Stolen from too many friend’s journals to mention
Post a memory of me in the comments. It can be anything you want. Then post this to your journal and see what people remember of you.
Post a memory of me in the comments. It can be anything you want. Then post this to your journal and see what people remember of you.
The first time we met standing in the middle of the commons during that fair. 😀
3:33 pm
In the spirit of not copying the memory you put in my journal, I’ll refrain from using the first time we met as my memory, although it was cute that I had a note waiting for me when I got back from Buzz 🙂 Anyway, two memories come to my mind when thinking of you – the first would be the 4 hour conversation we had that one night. I don’t really even remember the content, but I remember how much fun you were to talk to – and the second memory would be when we went down to Old Town Alexandria, ate dinner at that Thai place (it was Thai right?) and walked around by the water for like hours just talking about random stuff, politics, relationships, technology, etc.
3:48 am
Syndicate NYE drunked ranch party….
boy was that a bad bad night that I was happy to forget
to much alcohol
4:44 am
the night we 1st met – you broke it down at some creepy party in richmond and you said youd buy me a chipwich and you never did!
xoxo k
5:36 am
Hmm…you already posted the puking in me memory, so I’ll go with my birthday party in Triangle instead. Although in all fairness, I don’t think either of us (nor anyone else at the party) remember it all that well.
6:08 am
I met you on friday!
…well, in person for the first time, that is.
7:34 am
sorry…*ahem* only memory i have of you is meeting you saturday. and BTW – consider yoself added. 🙂
3:42 pm
saturday? this past saturday? I was at home Sat? or do you mean fri?
4:31 pm
was it friday? i really have little to no recollection…it was a VERY long night and i’d met you after i’d been up for almost 24 hours.
10:15 pm
Best human crutch ever! You know you wanted that little kiss that was meant for me. Deep down…..in your pants.
11:18 pm