Upcoming election
Am I the only one less then impressed by BOTH major candidates in this upcoming election?
I don’t feel Kerry is a good candidate I just think he is better then Bush.
On a side note ,voting in the upcoming election feels more to me like drafting players for your Fantasy Special Olympics team.
I am republican but after Bush decided it was not only okay but it was his duty to start messing with the constitution he lost ALL my trust. That just scream power hungry to me. I think his best defense for why was that the bible said it was bad. But isn’t church and state separate, there fore you can NOT change law based off yours or ANY ones religious belief.
I mean c’mon. Here’s your philosophy question for today:
A man kills a few people because he thinks his dog told him too. Society calls him crazy and locks him up.
Bush says only heterosexual couples have the right to get married because his “god” told him. Right wing calls him a hero.
Here’s the kicker. We know dogs exist. In fact I am starring at one right now. There is no proof “god” exists.
So purely speaking statistically there is a higher probability that a dog would speak to you then “god”.
Think about it…
I rest my case 🙂
Everyone, pretty much, thinks that both canidates are bad. What degree of bad, people seem to argue, but no one I’ve met, either side, any level of rabidity, *everyone*’s disappointed this year.
I wish Edwards would have won the Democratic primary, to be honest.
9:27 am
I was pushing for Dean, not you the one running for president, I seemed to relate the most to him.
11:19 am
1:57 pm