zig heil! Heil Fuhror Bush
In an act reminiscent of 1960 anti-civil rights acts, and bordering on early 1940s Germany. Bush announced he wishes not only to ban gay marriage but make gay marriages unconstitutional. In the year 2004 you would think that people in general would not sit around and let this blatant abuse of power even get this far. What happened to separation of church and state? When was marriage EVER about a man and a woman coming together. The principle of marriage has always been about 2 people who love each other joining together to spend the rest of their life together. If 2 people love each other,who is the US or state to tell them no. 30 years ago, many places wouldn’t let a white person and a black person get married and it was accepted, but did that make it right? NO! Eventually the US came to it’s senses. Are we going to make the same mistake just because they feel uncomfortable about the homosexual lifestyle? This is no more then just good old fasioned bigitry. By allowing the Bush administration to even consider doing this and thinking it is okay makes me think we might as well just put wheels on the white house and put air force one on blocks in the front yard, because it makes the US no better then common white trash. Even reading the article makes me ashamed to be an American. More people need to contact their local representatives to let them know, and to let the national gov’t know we will not stand for such bigited thinking. Times do change, if these right wing neo-conservatives, think they can just bribe congress to help themselves sleep at night because of their own issues not understand or being compfortable with the US homosexual community.
You can sign the protest at http://www.ipetitions.com/campaigns/votepledge/
I urge everyone to not allow the government to over step its power in trying to tell america what is right and wrong. Even if you personally do not support gay marriage, at least acknowledge that making it illegal is not the answer.
To add perspective,on my background, I am writing this as a straight, married, white republican male. So as I am not directly effected by this ruling, I do see the parallels between this and the civil rights movement and do not believe anyone should be denied rights (i.e.-marriage) based off sex, background or color of their skin.
I mentioned this over at RypTide.com yesterday.
I agree, it’s 2004 and we should be moving forward, but we are not.
7:25 am
boy howdy
8:04 am